Man walking in circles for blogWHY I NOW WALK AROUND IN A CIRCLE THREE (3) TIMES 


by Anthony “Steve” Crothers


I must admit, it must look odd to see a grown man, 6 feet in height, circle the spot three times, every time he sits or lay down. I’m sure that even if “normal people” are reluctant to say anything to me they must wonder if I am the victim of some sort of medical condition of affliction. There is a contrived reason as to why I make this unusual move every time. It is quite simple: my dog “Callaway” has taught me, by example, to do so.

Why would I want to emulate my furry little friend? That is easy to understand as well; because this a proven gyration that works very well for him and his peers. I am still searching for more perquisites[1] myself.

Let’s just look at the most obvious benefits of the proverbial “dog’s life, ” in most places in the world:[2]

• Less Stressful Life

• More Leisure Time

• Free Meals

• Free Shelter

• Zero Expenses and No Taxes

• Free Transportation

• Regular Exercise

• A Place to Sleep

• Ingress/Egress on Demand

• No Chores

• Adoration

• Living Environment Where Guilt Manipulation Thrives

• Waited On

• Picked Up After

• Free Run of the Living Facilities


A Few Worthwhile Concessions

There are a few concessions that our dog has to make in return for his “carefree” life:

• He has to let us think that we are in charge.

• He has to let us think that we are smarter than he is.

At the end of the day, I am resolved to change my behavior a little bit by adopting a few of his more intriguing traits like destroying a plush toy or eating grass, once in awhile. I can clearly see the “trade-off”s” versus the benefits!

So if you are in my neighborhood by chance, and you happen to see me happily sitting up for my dinner or gleefully wagging my posterior you will understand what the term “a dog’s life” really means.

Anthony “Steve” Crothers aka ASC lives in Del Mar CA He is the a writer and illustrator of “Satire Gone to the Dogs” You may see the cartoon illustration at:



[1] “perquisite” A thing regarded as a special right or privilege enjoyed as a result of one’s position. The slang business term commonly used is “Perk”

[2] This excludes China, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Arctic and Antarctic where dogs are considered a culinary treat.



  1. commented on June 9, 2014 by calandlulu

    The armadillo, “Elisa Rogaine” is indisposed at the moment, getting a facelift! But should be in action and viewable in a few weeks ! She wants to put her best armor forward. It seems as if some of her very old students were not very appreciative of her tireless efforts to keep them “couthful” and not turn into “mickey mouse whitewalls” or worse yet re-treads!!

  2. commented on June 9, 2014 by Jim

    Where’s the armadillo? The only one to admit to going to cotillion needs alot of help.

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