A Little Bit About Cal and Lulu

Cal & Lulu’s adventures in “cartoon-ship” began based upon a casual friendship that was germinated at a local dog park, that doubles as a Little League Field and a place for Dog “aficionados” to congregate daily for the stated purpose of exercising their canine friends.  Cal and Lulu, while not “an item” in a social sense, struck up a platonic friendship that endures to this day mainly through the medium of the cartoon.


As the completely subjective view on the part of the author/artist, the lore suggests that Lulu comes from the rarified air of on the top of the hill in the village. The canine child of Rich and Dolores, or, as you will, Dolores and Rich, who have certainly influenced Lulu’s outlook on life.  While Lulu is very energetic as one might expect from a 2 year + English Bull Terrier, she is extremely intelligent, insightful, sardonic and opinionated most of the time. Lulu is a great partner for Cal, (full name Callaway Pepe) who is pretty laid  back most of the time.


Cal, aka Callaway, named by his momma, after the late Ely Callaway, Golf Club Magnate, is generally mild mannered and polite, but can be riled up when thinking of a lot of the hipocrisy that he and his best cartoon friend Lulu, encounter.


As a team, by day, Cal & Lulu or Lulu & Cal, as you will, join forces to take on the hypocrisy, of the day, as well as to make uncalculated, and sometimes, uninformed statements and positions mostly about irrelevant happenings in the universe.  By night Cal & Lulu morph into their alter egos, ” Ort Mutt” [1] and “Lola” to fight the honorable fight, “saving the world one table scrap at a time”


As philosophers, they follow their biases and opine accordingly.  If you are of the mind to be irreverent, and uninfluenced by “political correctness,” you may want to follow the trail of sarcasm that emanates from their shenanigans!


If you can make any sense of what you just read about Cal & Lulu, their friends and associates in DOGiCITY™ , you might consider that you have  “issues” of your own, and you might consider seeking psychiatric help yourself!

[1] “Ort Mutt” refers to the word “ort” which means “table scrap” in NY Times Crosswordland

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