Calvis Revied for FB 081214The truth of the matter is that Cal really wants to redefine his self-image. He is trying “to be innovative.” He feels that dressing up like Elvis might do the trick. He is now embracing what he calls, “my new retro image.” Lulu seems to be going along with Cal’s notion. Ogle questions whether or not Cal’s statement of expression of  “My new retro image” is an oxymoron or not.

Cal says: “Sometimes we need to look into our rear view mirror to see the goodness of the past ” is essential. Lulu opines: ” There is only one King, Cal and it ain’t you” Calvis. Cal opines to himself, “and you aren’t “Marlyn Mason!” There is only one Marlyn Mason! One might wonder if Lulu is being facetious or not, by calling him “Calvis” In the meantime, a bewlidered Calvis sings: “Don’t be cruel to a heart that’s true” Cal and Lulu and even Ogle and Calvis live comfortably in Dogicity and may be seen by accessing “” at “” They may also be on “Liked on Facebook” at “Canine Cartoons”

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