A Song of Praise to Our Best Friends at CanineCartoons.Com

Ode to Cal and Lulu & Friends.

This is a song of praise of Cal & Lulu
and their “virtual friends” in “dogicity.net”

Our song begins with the proclamation that Cal & Lulu and their canine friends, (aka) CL&F), for the most part, share most of the same qualities, ambitions, and intellectual stimulation that endear us human beings to them.

We look with appreciation to their, unbiased outlook on life and their full understanding of the most fundamental comforts in a world that is conspicuous in its quest for immediate satisfaction.

Cal, Lulu and Friends, (aka) CL&F) bring daily to our lives, innocence, enthusiasm, inner-beauty and unconditional love.

CL&F are refreshingly honest with their straightforward agendas that are highlighted by their love of food and recreation. That is not to say that they not without their extravagances, especially as they relate to their taste in food and expensive doggie toys. They are just as happy sometimes, with an empty plastic bottle, an old pair of slippers or an “ort” from the dinner table.

Many of CL&F’s friends have come from humble backgrounds at one point or another, being adopted, or immigrants from European Asian and Central American countries.

Most of CL&F’s colleagues are “organic” by nature and can be stimulated by digging in the dirt, rolling in the grass containing dubious properties that have been added to the mix.

CL&F will eat humanoid food, rarely complain and many times they are not reluctant to stick their nose in their “care giver’s” business.
While “scratch and sniff” is expected behavior from our furry little friends they do exhibit an appreciation for more esoteric pursuits like a nice walk on the beach.

Burying a bone is still a “fundamental right” analogous to a humanoid adolescent’s “rite of passage”
Another endearing quality of CL&F is that they are relatively restrained in their approach to aver an unsolicited opinion.

CL&F seem always poised to protect you and yours, their ball, their dinner, and the car.

CL&F will show you affection, love you unconditionally, they are enthusiastic about, even the simpler things in life like a walk on the beach, or a visit to the nearby dog park.

CL&F are willing, at times to grovel a bit for a treat, more specifically, “Dr. Mo’s Peanut Butter Flavored Digital Dog Biscuits”

CL&F are less enthusiastic about wearing humanoid clothing and then being laughed at.

CL&F are non-judgmental of others and they are playful to an extreme.

The only significant liability of caring for a canine is summed up by the old proverb: “What is ingested and digested, must come out in the end”

CL&F are not enlightened pick up after themselves, perhaps like a cat.

Cat? Who said cat? Where is the cat? Well nobody’s perfect and CL&F’s are expected to chase a cat now and then.

At the end of the day, and in the final analysis, we love our canine friends and expect no less than a good bark, and an occasion lick from them of which they seem happy to oblige.

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