Cal and Lulu are desirous of driving Mama Callaway’s new car and are conjuring up a way to get her to let them take a spin in it. Mama asks: “So, what are you two angelic pups doing? Yer up to something, what is it?”


Callaway says: Oh nothing mom. Lulu opines: “We just wanted to see how you are doing Mama C. ”  Mama C says: “That’s a sweet thought, but I don’t believe it! Cal and Lulu use the ruse of asking the question: “How’s your car running these days mom? ” Mama Callaway says: “I was four years old before my mom let me drive!” She finally relents and says: Okay, okay my car is in the garage!” Alas, Mama C. fails to tell them which garage: Rover’s Garage and Auto Repair. Cal and Lulu’s drive: “This isn’t how I imagined our “motoring experience” to be Lu! There are more success stories like this at caninecartoons.com. Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/dogicity

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